Saturday, 6/30

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We left early in the morning at sunrise and had a nice trip down the San Juan de Fuca Strait, which leads to the ocean. This part can be very nasty when the winds blow in from the west and the tide goes out to the east, resulting in steep, choppy seas, but we were blessed with a smooth ride. We also encountered what maybe was my personal higlight of the whole trip, when about 50 dolphins started to overtake us, some of them swimming along our bow, then jumping out of the water, returning, swimming with us again. They were with us for maybe 1/2 hour before they finally disappeared. In the late afternoon we stopped at the last harbour in the strait (Neah Bay) at a Native American reservation, bunkered more water and diesel, and left again, rounding the north-western corner of the continental US and started to aim south. The sun set and our first night watches were on. The day time 12 hours were divided into 3 4-hour watches and for the night we had watches 6-9pm (you get the sunset), 9-12 (not bad), 12-3 (very tiring), and 3-6 (even more tiring, but at least you an look forward to get the sunrise). We first had 3 teams, but since Shyon was seasick most of the time we later changed to 2 teams with alternating watches.